Happiest Place on Earth - Kanakuk K-Kountry

July 10, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

For years I had heard about this amazing camp (or rather kamp) where not only were the days filled with sports and water activities, but the nights were crammed with outrageous parties.  And all of this was centered around God and His great love for you.  I never imagined that we would be able to send Thomas, but God is good and provided a way.  This was his second year to attend Kanakuk in Branson, MO. K-Kountry was a super adventure.  Our neighborhood was representing big time at Kanakuk this year....we had a total of 9 just from our neighborhood!!

Here are a few highlight images from the day we dropped Thomas and his friends off at K-Kountry, and when we picked them up.

Happy Shooting,

Mitzi Aylor


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Tim Flannery had to tryout the newest slide at K-Kountry before he could leave his children at camp...LOL.  It is called the Slaunch, which is a giant slip-n-slide with a ramp at the end.  The results are AWESOME!! IMG_0698IMG_0698 IMG_0701IMG_0701 IMG_0703IMG_0703


PICK UP DAY....I'M ready to see my boy!!!

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Barn 10 IMG_1929IMG_1929

This is the Lakeview Crew...All these children live in our neighborhood and attended a Kanakuk Kamp this year.  IMG_1942IMG_1942

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This is the face when you realize your week is over.


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